Mass and Anointing of the Sick
Canon Tony Mullins PP Cratloe, will lead us in our Lourdes Novena this Saturday at 11.00am in the Cathedral. Mass of the Sick will be prayed and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be offered.
Canon Tony Mullins PP Cratloe, will lead us in our Lourdes Novena this Saturday at 11.00am in the Cathedral. Mass of the Sick will be prayed and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be offered.
This year’s Novena begins on Monday 3rd February to Tuesday 11th February, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, in the Cathedral, on weekdays at 7.30pm, Saturday at 11.00am, and Sunday at 11.30am.
Petitions left at the Shrine in the Cathedral by Thursday lunchtime at the latest will be brought to Lourdes by Fr.…
64 Religious Women and Men from 11 different Religious Congregations and communities joined Bishop Fintan for the 11.30am Mass on Sunday 2nd February, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, and a Day of Prayer for all in Religious Life.
It was an opportunity to pray together and to express gratitude to the…
This Saturday we celebrate the Feast of St Brigid. The great tradition of making St Brigid’s Cross making is alive and well in Ennis. For the past three evenings, a team of volunteers have gathered to make Crosses which are available for sale this weekend at all masses and in both the Friary and Parish…
Friday 7th February is the First Friday of the month. The priests of the parish will visit housebound parishioners with the sacraments. If you know of any housebound parishioners who would like to receive the sacraments, please contact the Parish Office.
We congratulate John Lynch, St Michael’s Villas, who celebrates his 100th birthday on Thursday 30th January.
John is a proud Clarecastle man born into the Lynch family in Lissane, Clarecastle, he comes from a family of 15, with four siblings, three sisters and one brother, all still living in Clare. John married Kitty Slattery,…
We congratulate Bishop Willie who celebrates his 90th birthday today, 16th January. Bishop Willie will celebrate the 11.30am Mass on Sunday 19th January in the Cathedral as a Mass of Thanksgiving. All are welcome.
Seánie was born on February 4, 1951, in the parish of Quin Clooney Maghera. He was educated at Quin National School, St Flannan’s College, and St Patrick’s College Maynooth. The late Bishop Harry ordained him to St Mary’s Church Quin on June 11, 1978. His first appointment was as Curate in Mullagh in the parish…
We welcome Fr Rock OFM from Poland who has been assigned to the Irish Franciscan Province for this year. He comes to us from Killarney Friary and will help out in the parish and Pastoral Area for the next few months. We wish him every blessing for his time with us here in Ennis and…
From Monday 6th January no through traffic will be permitted from Station Road onto O’Connell Street.
All traffic entering Station Road will be for local access only.
The implication of these works will mean that parking will be restricted in the Cathedral grounds for the coming months while the street works are in…